League Secretary information
Marion County USBC Association
Mailing Address:
2300 NE 32nd ST
Ocala FL 34479
Association Manager
Larry Mayhew - Email: manager@marioncountyusbc.com
(352) 369-9930 (Association)
Certification Fees
Adults: $25.00
Associate Membership Fee: $12.00
Youth: $17.00
Important Duties of All League Secretaries
1. You must certify your leagues within 30 days. Please send ONE check only, made payable to MC USBC (Marion County USBC). Do not send the check to USBC.
2. Collecting additional dues and forwarding to Association Manager within 7 days.
3. Forwarding the requested average sheets with all information to the Association Manager in order to give credit and service to the bowlers within 15 days after league ends.
4. Please submit ALL special achievement awards and high score award applications within 20 days.